Water Diversion Task Force

This is a new page available to all members and landowners to provide observations, feedback and documented concerns on water diversion impacting the rivers and creeks of the Alpine Acres Association.

If you would like to be a member of this task force, please contact any board member. thank you very much. Alpine Acres Board


Water Diversion Task Force — 3 Comments

  1. There is a concern from the Seletta Trust “Happy Return” (Plots 1,2,3,and 5A)
    A few years ago, the river bank across from our property had large stones imported onto the bank to prevent water from flowing into the historic flood plain of the Alpine Acres property adjacent to the river. This blocking of the natural water way has redirected the river to more directly flow toward our property and cabin. With the much higher than normal snow pack this year, this issue may be far greater than the past couple of years has developed. This same diversion has completely altered the natural fish nursery that had existed for decades adjacent to plots 4 and 5 (McQueen). It has also directed the water flow that, if it remains as it is, looks to endanger plot 7 and 8 and the beaver pond directly north of Holiday Park.
    The property that has the stones blocking the flood plain, is, according to plat maps, Alpine Acre property and needs to be address before there is more than just riverbank erosion and loss of trees.

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