September 7, 2021
Alpine Acres Association had a surprise visit during the Labor Day Holiday. Holiday Park had requested a public relations visit from the University of Utah medivac team out of Park City. They were unable to land in Holiday Park because of space and landing requirements.
They decided to land in Sage Brush Flats off Sioux road and spent over an hour and a half allowing folks to tour the helicopter and ask questions.
This team is based out of Park City. It was an impressive sight and the team members were extremely kind and supportive.
Here is a couple of shots with Jim Bringhurst, President of Alpine Acres and Bill Pettigrew in sage brush flats.
Please click on the attachment to read the April 10, 2021 Newsletter update from Michael Powell – President of Alpine Acres
Alpine Acres Association 4.2021
December 2021
Greetings Weber Canyon residents and property owners,
As most of you are aware, the recycle bin in the Weber Canyon transfer station area was removed last year due to inappropriate dumping and misuse of the facilities by a minority of users.
– Please do not leave any items in the area that you think might be picked up or repurposed by someone else. Again, Recycle Utah has a place for some of these items
Please see the May 18, 2020 update from the Board. Please click the Newsletter Spring 2020 title below
Newsletter Spring 2020
posted – 7.10.2017 – Alpine Acres Board
We wanted to share the most current update on the collective associations in the UWRCPA (Upper Weber Canyon Property Owners Association) regarding the new charges for the dump annual fees:
Letter to Board Members and all Members of Upper Weber Canyon Property Owners’ Association, June 23, 2017
Last Thursday Don Vernon and I met with Tom Fisher a Manager for Summit County. As you may know Summit County has no Mayor or City Manager but County Managers appointed by the Council.
Our goal was to try to convince him to lower our dump fee to $18.00 for non-year around residents, this was not accomplished. It was a very cordial meeting and he is a very nice man, but he told us the fee was for every unit, dwelling and townhouse in Summit County and not for any certain amount of garage. The fee is for the relocation of the 3-mile dump. The fee in the beginning was going to be $120.00, but it was reduced by the Council to $36.00.
Also we will be billed again in July for $36.00. The other fee was for 2016.
One idea was that we be charged $1.00 more for upkeep of our dump, he thought this was a nice gesture but that it was the responsibility of the Summit County to maintain the dump, and he would take this information to the Council at budget time next year; some monies were appropriated for 2017.
On a positive note, we have 24/7 and 365 days a year dumping at our facility, unlike the cart people who only have garbage picked up once a week.
Sincerely, Garl Fink, President | Don Vernon, Vice President
Subject: Bill from REPUBLIC services for a $36.00 for 65 Gallon Cart
Don Vernon and I met Wednesday with the Summit County Landfill Superintendent to clarify the charges on this bill.
We were told that the charges were to relocate the 3 mile dump which will cost millions over several years.
It was noted that Weber Canyon does not have trash “Carts”. We were told that the billing was wrong and should not have said ” 1 – 65 Gallon Cart”.
There is major confussion within Summit County as to exactly what these charges are for. We are working with Summit County to clarify them and will be going to a Summit County Council meeting in the near future. We will notify members and Presidents as to the time and place of this meeting as we would like as many members as possible to attend.
In the mean time this is our advice.
If you were billed for a Lot only without a dwelling you do not have to pay this bill.
Note on the bill ( NO DWELLING AT THIS LOT NUMBER ………….) and return the bill.
If you did get a bill we recommend you pay it to avoid late charges, pay the bill with this note.
Your Upper Weber Canyon Property Owners’ Association
Garl Fink, President
Don Vernon, Vice President
The mountains are one month ahead of normal this year. The road is open and dry and they are grading it following the winter traffic. I was in the high country and shocked to see the Aspen beginning to leaf out. Amazing! We have noticed that there is considerably more roadside garbage along the way into our beautiful association. We felt that if all of us take a moment to help with picking up any loose trash it would be cleaned up in a jiffy. So please throw in an extra garbage bag this spring trip in and help if you can! Thanks again for letting us serve you. / The Alpine Acres Association Board / D. William Pettigrew – President
Alpine Acres Summer Picnic
Date: Saturday, July 4, 2015
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Place: Association Corral property – Cherokee Road
(Please bring your own chairs)
This is a fun pot luck affair for dues-paying members. It is suggested that ANY FAMILY THAT ATTENDS SHOULD BRING A SIDE DISH OF THEIR CHOICE TO SHARE WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS. In order to have adequate food for everyone, it is very important to CONTACT Gordon Daniels (801-706-4345) with the number attending from your family. His email is
The 2015 Newsletter will be posted June 1, 2015
Hello, Neighbors! This is the June 2011 NEWSLETTER, a publication of the ALPINE ACRES ASSOCIATION.
President’s Message:
Thanks to everyone who attended the Annual Meeting on April 18, 2011. Three Board positions were open and were filled by:
David Pack- President
Bill Pettigrew – Vice President
Ginger Silvers – Treasurer
Gordon Daniels – Secretary
Jeremy Jones – Member at large
Alpine Acres Summer Picnic
Date: Saturday, July 2, 2011
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Place: Association Corral property – Cherokee Road
(Please bring your own chairs)
This is a fun pot luck affair for dues-paying members. It is suggested that ANY FAMILY THAT ATTENDS SHOULD BRING A SIDE DISH OF THEIR CHOICE TO SHARE WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS. In order to have adequate food for everyone, it is very important to CONTACT Ginger Silvers (801-277-5117, 435-783-7512 with the number attending from your family.
Flooding Issues
The County has delivered sand bags and sand to Alpine Acres at gate 6. Use what you need; they will deliver more if needed. The run off will begin in earnest soon.
Fire Council Update
Bob Sluder, Project Chairman
It is arraigned with Summit County to have a chipper come to AA Thurs-Fri, July 7-8. . They will come down the roads as we have done in the past. The slash needs to be stacked with ends toward the road. This makes it much easier to feed into the chipper. The chipper can handle up to 12 inch diameter wood.
There is a possibility that more assistance will be available from the State Forestry dept. again this fall. Please keep track and report man hours spent cleaning up from winter and beetle damage. Contact Gordon Daniels for a reporting form. We have used all of our banked hours so we need to build that asset up to take advantage of this potential help.
Alpine Acres Spray Project 2011
Will Pratt, Spray Coordinator
A representative from the State will be at A.A. on Friday June 17 at 1PM to explain how to identify infested trees, spraying standards etc. All are invited.
CHECK OUT THESE WEBSITES! for current weather conditions, forecasts, etc.
At this time of year, campfires are permitted in “approved” fire pits. But when fire season arrives, there will be postings of “NO FIRES”…and that means even in “approved” fire pits…not even charcoal fires. And as always, NO FIREWORKS are allowed. Save our beautiful Alpine Acres!
Figured I would inform everyone of the following meeting.
Welcome to Pine Mountains
Welcome to the Pine Mountains’ web site. The last five announcements are listed below. For a complete listing of announcements and news please access the Announcements and Newsletters pages.
Annual Meeting – Date Change
The date of the annual meeting of the Upper Weber Property Owners Association was previously mis-stated. The correct date and time is March 21, 2016 at 6:30 P.M. This is a Monday night. (02/29/2016)
New Board Member
Darin Ross, who received the second highest number of votes at the Annual Meeting last September was appointed to the Board. He will serve the remainder of Carl O’Gwin’s term after his passing away on January 15th. (02/26/2016)
Annual Meeting – Upper Weber Property Owners Association
The annual meeting of the Upper Weber Property Owners Association will be held March 21, 2016 at 6:30 P.M. This is a Monday night. There will be representatives there from Summit County,The Sheriff’s Department, Fire Warden, Fish and Game and other local agency’s to discuss items of interest and answer questions from cabin and property owners in the Canyon. Please plan to attend. The meeting will be held at the County complex, North Building in the County council chambers. The address is 2100 South State, SLC – the building is on the North East corner. (02/12/16)
Figure someone might follow up.