We have started the process of posting signs as well as leaving finished signs on the front door of many cabins. If you need a sign, please leave a comment on the web site with your name, lot number and location. thanks much
The following notice was mailed to land owners at Alpine Acres.
Report from 2012 year
This provides members the opportunity to post up various needs, item for sale, cabin property update, bear activity and overall ‘association watch’ items
Hey association members!
If you have something you need to post, please contact, bill at pettigrewdw@gmail.com
Fire Council
Team Leader Fire Council
Bob Sluder
Lot 105
2335 Lakeline Drive
Salt Lake City
801-634-8318 (cell)
Bob Sluder- Chair
Jim Warburton- Vice Chair
Mike MacDonald
Rick Osguthorpe
Clayton Scribner (new)
Bill Petigrew *
Gordon Daniels *
David Pack *
* Current AA Board Member
Here is an example of an ‘In Kind’ worksheet completed for Bob Sluders team –
Please use the In Kind sheet – 2010 form to record all work performed on your cabin property. This work can go back as far as the summer of 2011. These competed reports will be provided to Jim Sluder on the fire council.
Thanks to the Fire Council team Alpine Acres has fire hydrant access points at all river bridger crossings.
Check out these firepits:
Thanks for the great presentation at the BBQ meeting Bob.
Please take note of the attached document which explains the recent and on going needle kill on some of the smaller lodge pole pines in Alpine Acres and surrounding areas.

2012 report: Dear Alpine Acres Association members,
Thank you for an outstanding picnic this past weekend! Our numbers
continue to grow–I counted approximately 140 in attendance. It ism
always nice getting to know one another better.
I hope you enjoyed the information presented–my thanks to those who
participated. After the picnic Sargent Wright vigilantly patrolled the
area for fire pit and firearm violations, issuing citations. We want to
foster harmonious, neighborly relations while also safeguarding our mutual
investment for the safety and enjoyment of all.
I believe we will be welcoming many new members into our association
family this year and are grateful for their interest. Thank you for
continuing to reach out and invite neighbors to get involved.
Sunday morning a handful of us gathered to drive roads, assessing repairs
needed to gates, locks, roads, bridges, culverts, etc. While we have
addressed and will continue to follow up on every action item decided upon
during our annual meeting, we will also continue to take action on issues
that can only be found during the summer months.
We will continue to network with county and federal contacts to hopefully
obtain financial assistance in every area possible to ensure our area
remains as safe and beautiful as can be.
Thank you for your personal efforts–the county road is lined with debris
that is ready for the chipper service. Our awesome association fire
council is following up to ensure the chipper is rescheduled as soon as
possible. With all the wild land fires, it takes continual following up
to ensure we received promised service, and we are grateful for all
We will continue to communicate any pressing or important items via
e-mail, and you are always welcome to contact us with any question or
concern. We are grateful for the opportunity of serving you, and thankful
for your cooperation and contributions.
David Pack, president
The Upper Weber River follows the current DNR regulations published in 2013 proclaimation. Much of the access to the river requires fisherman to request access from private landowners. Cut Throat, Brook trout and Rainbow trout are found in the river. The lower meadows of Thousand Peaks Ranch are private and require a daily or annual pass to access the lower river.